Why should I register on the PTSA Website?  I already have a Memberhub/Eventbrite account, do I need to make another account?


The Edgemont Jr-Sr. High School PTSA has merged all platforms together. Your new account will be one login for all PTSA related activities and purchases.  A new account is required for all PTSA purchases and will be used for all PTSA communications.  We will no longer be using Memberhub or Eventbrite. 


I changed my email address. How do I update my account login? 


To update your email address, log in to the PTSA website and go to your Account Profile by clicking on your name in the Login Box. Select the Access tab and complete the information in the "Invite Others" section to invite another email address to access to your Account Profile. This is where you will put your new email address, but be sure to use your current password. Then, click "send invite” to receive an email at your new email address. Just click on the link in that email to confirm your new email address then you will be directed to select a password for your new email address. You can go back and delete your original email address by logging in with your new email address, going to your Account Profile once again, and removing the old login email address from the record.


Should my spouse/partner have a separate account? What if we want separate accounts? 


When possible, we recommend creating a single account so that all information is stored in one place. When a primary user creates an account, there is a space to invite other email addresses to access the account. This secondary user will have his or her own login information but also have access to the family account and receive communications from the PTSA. Only two adults can be listed on one  account. (More than 2 adults?  See FAQ #3) For families with multiple addresses, one family record can list two separate addresses and contact details – or each adult can register individually and be listed separately. Note that if you do register individually, there may be some forms such as the PTSA annual membership dues that everyone will have to complete in order to have full access to the site.


What if my child has more than 2 adults who want access to PTSA Website? 


Our website only allows two adults per account, however multiple accounts can be linked to the same student. For families where more than two adults want to access the website, or for families that want separate logins for each adult, you can create separate accounts. Note that if you create separate accounts, there may be some forms such as the PTSA annual membership dues that someone from each account will have to complete in order to have full access to the site. 



Still have questions?  Email edgemont.ptsa.pres@gmail.com


Ready to Regsiter?  Click here to create an account.