Grade Parents
Grade Parents are important liaisons between the PTSA Board and members. They are responsible for emailing families before Back to School Night, welcoming them to PTSA, and reminding them to pay their dues; partnering with the teacher team; and coordinating field trip chaperones as needed. In addition, Grade Parents coordinate grade-specific activities and communications. Click here for a complete list of this year's Grade Parents.
7th Grade
Grade Parents work with the 8th grade Grade Parents to coordinate the Jr. High Halloween Donuts and Cider Party and the Worldwide Food Festival.
8th Grade
Grade Parents work with the 7th grade Grade Parents to coordinate the Jr. High Halloween Donuts and Cider Party and the Worldwide Food Festival.
9th Grade
Grade Parents work with the 10th grade Grade Parents to coordinate the Back-to-School night reception, including ordering, setting up and cleaning up.
10th Grade
Grade Parents work with the 9th grade Grade Parents to coordinate the Back-to-School night reception, including ordering, setting up and cleaning up.
11th Grade
Grade Parents organize the Senior Graduation Reception.
12th Grade
Grade Parents organize lunch on Senior Day.